Britain in Bloom - Another Award for Fareham!

23/04/2015 - 00:00

The prestigious Britain in Bloom awards ceremony has taken place at the Centennial Centre in Birmingham, where Fareham beat off other contenders for the silver gilt medal for the large town/small city category.

Executive Leader of Fareham Borough Council, Conservative Councillor Seán Woodward, said:

"This is a great result and true testament to all the hard work of the many volunteers and Council staff involved in this competition."

TerraCottem is proud to have contributed to the Council’s success story: all flower beds were treated with the TerraCottem soil conditioning technology.

Read the full article here and surely check out the stunning pictures below!

Britain in Bloom - Another Award for Fareham!
Britain in Bloom - Another Award for Fareham!
Britain in Bloom - Another Award for Fareham!

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