TerraGreen is the authorised TerraCottem importer in the Republic of Korea

Our distributor will assist you with all your questions regarding the TerraCottem soil conditioners:

  • Which TerraCottem soil conditioners are available in the Republic of Korea?
  • What is the price of TerraCottem in the Republic of Korea?
  • How are the soil conditioners applied?
  • How much TerraCottem do I need for my project?
  • ...

For these and other questions, please contact TerraGreen via:

TerraGreen Co. Ltd.

  • Head Office: 357-52, Cheongo-ro, Cheongbuk-eup, Pyeongtaek-si, Gyeonggi-do - Korea
  • Seoul Office: Room No. 1504 IS BIZ Tower , 1-1, Yangpyeong-dong 5-ga, Youngdeungpo-gu - Seoul - Korea

Tel. : +82 2-2671-3157
Email : 16887950@hanmail.net
Web : www.terracottem.co.kr

Our other international TerraCottem distributors you can find here

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