Increased seedling production, improved seedling quality and reduced costs in oak and beech nursery in Slovakia

09/04/2018 - 00:00

Nursery trial at Lesy Slovenskej republiky š.p., OZ Semenoles, Slovakia under supervision of Ing. Ivan Varchol, Head of ŠS Šariské Michaľany.

Mr. Vladimír Oravec, TerraCottem Sales Representative for Slovakia summarizes:

  • The trial fulfilled all objectives set by the planting stock producer...
  • ...not only in savings in water, labour and energy, but mainly in the quality and quantity of the planting stock produced. All plants treated with TCU were healthier, stronger and with a better developed root system.
  • ...positive effect on the yield of the winter oak seeds, but subsequently also on the seedlings themselves. This was reflected in the number of seedlings produced, their growth and overall quality.
  • ...ensured a supply of water to the plants, even during extremely hot days.
  • ...adequate and balanced nutrition to seedlings from sowing to distribution without further regular fertilisation.
  • ...increased seedling production
  • ...improved seedling quality
  • ...reduced costs of cultivation.

"The use of TerraCottem Universal soil conditioner in the current conditions of the forest nursery has in this case proven to be economical, safe and noticeable. The aforesaid product facilitates an increase of seedling production and improves their quality. This is an important fact that will affect the seedling production system for use in forestry not only in ŠS Šarišské Michaľany, but probably also for several other producers. Additionally, in times of global warming and increased demands on seedling quality by customers, the producers have to seek other options to improve their products. From this overall perspective the TerraCottem Universal soil conditioner definitely has an important role to play."

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Weighing the TerraCottem Universal rates.
Calibrating TerraCottem Universal rate into substrate.
Preparation work prior to mixing TerraCottem Universal with the substrate.
Control and visual inspection of the amount of TerraCottem Universal hydroabsorbants in a sample.
Filling the planting trays with the mixture of substrate and TerraCottem Universal.
Sown planting trays with TerraCottem Universal recently placed in the greenhouses .
Visual comparison of the seed trays. Left: without TerraCottem Universal; Right: with TerraCottem Universal. The TerraCottem treated soil is able to store more water.
June 19, 2017.
June 19, 2017.
August 8, 2017.
August 8, 2017.
Sessile oak root system growing through the TC polymers (in a cell).
Sessile oak root system growing through the TC polymers (in a cell).
November 15, 2017: Seedlings in planting trays relocated from greenhouses to exterior.
Ing. Ivan Varchol, Head of ŠS Šarišské Michaľany, checks the quality of winter oak seedlings before distribution.
Increased seedling production, improved seedling quality and reduced costs in oak and beech nursery in Slovakia

Reap what you sow with the TerraCottem soil conditioning technology.

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