SustAffor Newsletter 1

13/02/2014 - 00:00

The FP7-SMEs project SustAffor (Bridging effectiveness and sustainability in afforestation / reforestation in a climate change context: new technologies for improving soil features and plant performance) started in October 2013 with a duration of 24 months.

Sustaffor project: novel techniques and field trials

The aim of SUSTAFFOR is to conceive, produce, develop and on-field validate novel techniques aiming at improving afforestation / reforestation projects from an environmental, technical and economic point of view, as well as to explore the synergies between them.

These novel techniques aim at mitigating the negative effect of drought and competitive vegetation, while minimizing the need for maintenance. They include a new generation
of soil conditioners...

This first newsletter presents the consortium of 10 European entities (6 Small or Medium size Enterprises – SMEs and 4 Research & Development performers - RTDs), along with the novel techniques that will be tested.

The SMEs participating in the project are:
Terrezu SLSpain
Ceres International Sp. z.o.oPoland
TerraCottem InternacionalSpain / Belgium
La Zeloise NVBelgium
EcoRub bvbaBelgium
The four RTDs are:
Centre Tecnològic Forestal de Catalunya (CTFC)Spain
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS-IC2MP)France
Belgian Textile Research Centre (Centexbel)Belgium
EDMA InnovaSpain
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SustAffor Newsletter 1

SustAffor project has started!

More information available here