Then and now

06/09/2016 - 00:00

Read this great story on how the TerraCottem soil conditioning technology found its way on the Australian market. Russell JAmes and Tarrant Baguley are telling the tale filled with international origins, a fair dose of initial disbelief, crushing periods of drought and many happy endings.

There’s a great story behind TerraCottem, and it’s wrapped around two people: Russell James and Tarrant Baguley. Russ knows all about the beginning because he was there. Taz came into the picture a little later on and he’s the man with an eye on the future. It’s a tale filled with international origins, a fair dose of initial disbelief, crushing periods of drought and many happy endings. Once upon a time…

“A row of Callistemons went in at Sydney Airport, some with TerraCottem and some without, and the difference was stark. This was the point where I first went, wow, this could be a great product.”

- Russell James

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