TC’s effect on biomass production in vermiculite and perlite tomato seedbeds and on the WRC of these seedbeds

09/04/2018 - 00:00

At the Institute for Mediterranean and Subtropical Horticulture "La Mayora" (IHSM-CSIC), a research station from the University of Málaga, Spain, trials were carried out on tomato seedbeds made from vermiculite and perlite.

Professor María Remedios Romero Aranda explains...

  • "The addition of TerraCottem Universal resulted in a rise of the water retention capacity in both the perlite and vermiculite substrate and an increase in biomass production for both the underground (roots) as the above-ground growth (leaves and stems).
  • Personally I was keen to see if the root would penetrate inside the polymers contained in TerraCottem Universal. The pictures I took, with a stereomicroscope, of the tomato root hairs speak volumes."
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TerraCottem’s effect on biomass production in vermiculite and perlite tomato seedbeds and on the WRC of these seedbeds
TerraCottem’s effect on biomass production in vermiculite and perlite tomato seedbeds and on the WRC of these seedbeds
TerraCottem’s effect on biomass production in vermiculite and perlite tomato seedbeds and on the WRC of these seedbeds

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