Evaluation of Alnus subcordata reforestation trial, Weiti Bay, Auckland, New Zealand
Evaluation of Alnus subcordata reforestation trial, Weiti Bay, Auckland, New Zealand
23/05/2018 - 00:00
Under supervision of NZ distributor Landscape and Grower Supplies (LGS) and Greenscene NZ Limited Arboricultural Consultancy Division, in August 2017, 20 bare root A. subcordata were planted in adjacent plots: 10 control and 10 subject to TerraCottem Universal treatment.
Both a qualitative and quantitative assessment was undertaken of soil and tree growth in May 2018. The results were conclusive:
Soil analysis of samples supplied to Hill Laboratories Limitedshowed an immediate improvement in the TerraCottem Univeral treated soil across the range of characteristics assessed.
Apical bud length and retention of the first five buds of TerraCottem Univeral treated trees was found to be significantly greater than control trees.
Average growth height was similarly greater for TerraCottem Univeral treated trees than control trees.
Vitality measured by branching, crown porosity, leaf size and retention was noticeably better in TerraCottem Univeral treated trees in contrast to control trees which typically presented with reduced leaf size, retention, premature annual bud release, stem and branch retrenchment.