Planting trees on top of an underground parking garage
Planting trees on top of an underground parking garage
24/08/2020 - 14:51
In December 2017, multi-trunk robinia trees were planted at De Munt (Roeselare, Belgium), on top of an underground car park, to create more "volume" on the square. Almost 3 years after planting, the trees develop optimally thanks to a specially selected tree substrate including TerraCottem soil conditioner.
Project description:
Location: De Munt, Roeselare (Belgium) – Town square between the Noordstraat and the Ooststraat.
Pressure-reducing sandwich construction: Permavoid 150 mm (TGS NL)
Waterbuffering compartments were created on top of the car park, which collect the water from the high-rise building with an overflow to the sewerage. On top of a pressure-reducing sandwich construction, a waterbuffering substrate was used, including TerraCottem soil conditioner, to further increase this water buffer as well as the soil aeration.
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