TerraCottem acts as a life insurance policy for the plants. It not only saves replacement work and costs caused by plant mortality but helps achieve a mature planting faster.
Trees: 1000 vines - different varieties of the pinot grape
Date of planting: 01/05/2020
Dosage TerraCottem Universal: 20g per vine sapling
A total of 1000 plant holes were drilled with a diameter of 20cm and depth of 30cm. The soil conditioner TerraCottem Universal was mixed with the soil taken from the borehole. This TCU / soil - mixture was then used to plant the young vines.
No water was given during planting: during their development, the vines are fully dependent on natural rainfall and the water buffer provided by our soil conditioning technology.
Observations after 3 months:
Mortality: 0%
Plant height: 1.5 to 2 m
Give your trees a fighting chance: for personalised assistance with TerraCottem