Flügel GmbH is a TerraCottem distributor in Germany

Since its foundation in 1952, Flügel GmbH has developed and established itself as a competent supplier and contact for forestry in the core areas of silviculture and forest protection. In recent years, we have increasingly been involved in adjacent areas such as roadside greenery, recultivation, forest tree nurseries and Christmas tree cultures.


For all your questions, please contact Flügel via:

Flügel GmbH

Eisdorfer Str. 21, 37520 Osterode am Harz, Germany
Tel: +49 (0)5522/31242-0
Email : info@fluegel-gmbh.de
Website: www.fluegel-gmbh.de

Our other international TerraCottem distributors you can find here

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